
• international chief of science & technology, international central committee (ICC), cadre chief circle (CCC), chapter chief, founding member – the black hammer organization
• phd candidate in biomedical engineering (m.s. 2018, b.s. 2015)
• co-founder, former steering – korean league for anti-imperialist socialist studies (klass)
• 태권도 black belt
• freestyle MC


digital library
a drive of free PDFs for revolutionary study

OR DEATH (2021)

희준서's 3rd poetry collection, in an edition containing selections from STORM AFTER STORM (2018) and BLOOMING DESPITE (2019). physical copies, $23. pdfs, $19 (discounted or free copies available for colonized people). peep some excerpts here and here.


the Black Hammer Organization lays out what we accomplished in 2020 - including distributing a quarter-million free masks to in our chapters across Turtle Island and in Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Jamaica, & The Philippines, organizing a campaign that got an African man freed from jail after the pigs tried to assassinate him, providing free & guaranteed housing, therapy, & self-defense classes to our members, serving the people with free masks, clothes, & food during outreach done in EVERY chapter on EVERY weekend, and raising $50k to #BuildHammerCity.

combatting anti-DPRK propaganda

video discussing why the DPRK developed such a strong centralized government, why it is nonsensical for any colonized person to buy into anti-DPRK western propaganda, and why buying into anti-DPRK propaganda is so violent towards Korean people as we struggle to reunify our homeland.

come get yo freedom:

science has been corrupted and used in its most unnatural & heinous form to develop biological warfare for colonialism and drone bombs for imperialism.

it is our duty to instead use science & technology to serve the masses and usher in revolution to build a world where no one lives at the expense of another.

email [email protected] to join

scitech interview

in our MO chapter, poisoned water took the life of our comrade, Chief Eyes. the SciTech committee investigated and found this water contains the bacteria h. pylori as well as 80x over the safe limit of cancer-causing trihalomethanes.

the SciTech committee is inventing reverse osmosis water filtration systems to distribute for free to colonized communities in MO and worldwide:

support our efforts by joining us or donating on gofundme or cashapp $BHOSciTech $BHMissouri. learn more by watching our panel.

we build these water filters for our people as a survival pending revolution program, understanding we must give clean water to the people to keep us alive in order to wage the struggle that will give water, our greatest gift from Mother Earth and the very basis of life, back to those it has been ripped from. revolution is the only solution.

my doctoral research for the completion of a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering aims to increase the electroconductivity of scaffolds in order to mature induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, paving the way for their use in the construction of functioning human hearts.

biomedical engineering B.S. (2015)
biomedical engineering M.S. (2018)
biomedical engineering Ph.D. (expected 2022)

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